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Weekend in Barcelona

The Globe-Trotters Collective


The Gaudi Houses
Visit at least one of the Gaudi Houses, designed by famous Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi. I recommend visiting Casa Batllo, one of the most interesting and unusual houses in Barcelona.  

Casa Battlo
Passeig de Gracia 43
08007 Barcelona, Spain  
T: +34 934 880 666
Metro: Passeig de Gracia (Green Line, L3)

Casa Battlo

Park Güell
Spend an afternoon in Park Güell, where you'll see incredible buildings, sculptures and tile work designed by Gaudi.  The park can be a bit crowded with tourists but definitely is worth a visit.    

Park Güell

I highly recommend going to the Picasso Museum. Located in an old Catalan house, you'll see the artist's early drawings and paintings. It really changed my perspective of Picasso as an artist.  A must see!
Address: Montcada 15-23, 08003 Barcelona 
T: +34 93 256 30 00 
Metro: Arc de Triomf (Red Line, L1); Liceu (Green Line, L3); Jaume I (Yellow Line, L4)

Mercat de la Boqueria
The Mercat de la Boqueria (the largest market in Barcelona) is a must see.  It's full of life and colors. Make sure to bring your camera!

El Mercat de la Boqueria

Gothic Quarter 
Located at the heart of Barcelona, the Gothic Quarter is a labyrinth of narrow streets leading to hidden piazzas. I recommend spending 1-2 hours to walk around and "getting lost" in the medieval streets of Gothic.

Barceloneta Beach
After a long day of sightseeing and walking the streets of Barcelona, unwind at the beach. Barceloneta Beach is great independently of the weather.  When I was there,  it was cold and windy but all the surfers were out catching the waves.

Barceloneta Beach


La Flauta
Located near Plaça Universitat, this is the best place to try many varieties of flautas (baguette sandwiches). A warm atmosphere is created by the fine wood, good lighting and pleasant service. This restaurant is always packed, whether at the bar or in any of the two dining areas, where they also serve salads, tapas and grilled meat. It is worth having a taste of their assorted tapas, such as the Pulpo a la Galleg (octopus), chicken, or Patatas Bravas (potatoes in a spicy tomato sauce).
Address: Aribau 23, 08011 Barcelona
T: +34 93 323 7038
La Flauta


Espit Chupitos
Cap off your Barcelona experience with a stop at Espit Chupitos. Located near the Av. Diagonal, you'll have a choice of over 542 different chupitos. Each chupito has its own flavor and preparation, for only 1,50€! Try out the Harry Potter (a secret concoction set on fire) and/or the Boy Scout (you'll get to grill marshmallows over your shot)!  
Address: Aribau 77, 08011 Barcelona
Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:30pm - 3:00am